Copyright © 2019   山东昂旭建材有限公司   网站建设:中企动力 淄博  鲁ICP备19013603号-1 

关于我们 / ABOUT US





  主要产品为:内外墙漆、多彩漆、真石漆、防水涂料、水性工业漆、一体板等高分子材料。具有建筑节能保温工程的设计与施工(国家二级资质)。公司现有职工80余人,其中工程技术人员60%以上;总资产规模1.2亿元。公司通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证、ISO18001职业健康安全管理体系认证、中国环境标志产品认证等多项认证。公司倡导诚信文化,重视品牌建设,先后荣获“全省制造业AAA级信用企业”、 “守合同重信用企业”、“山东省著名商标”、 “安全生产管理先进单位”“技能人才培养先进单位”、“民工工资支付先进企业”“中国绿色环保产品”、“中国建筑工程重点推荐产品”等荣誉称号。

  十年来,公司秉承 “以人为本、诚信共赢”的发展理念,坚持“创新、高效、务实、包容”的创业宗旨和“工匠精神、实业兴企”的企业价值观。始终坚持走“产、学、研”相结合,吸收消化,自主创新的多元化发展道路,以质量求生存,以信誉求发展。




Founded in 2009, Shandong Anxu Building Materials Co., Ltd. is located in Boshan District, Zibo City, a national old industrial base, a historical and cultural city, and a national key scenic spot. It is a specialized high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales of environmentally-friendly water-based coatings. It is one of the backbone enterprises in the architectural coatings manufacturing industry in Shandong, and the first batch of enterprises approved by the EIA in Boshan District, Zibo City.

Since its establishment, the company has closely followed the pace of national reform and development, seized opportunities, actively implemented the talent introduction strategy of science and technology enterprises and strong enterprises, and focused on the upgrading of product structure. From the workshop enterprises to the private high-tech enterprises with an annual output of 100,000 tons. Product sales throughout the country. In 2019, the newly planned land is 50 mu, and strive to build a leading enterprise in the paint industry in Zibo City.

The main products are: interior and exterior wall paint, colorful paint, real stone paint, waterproof coating, water-based industrial paint, integrated board and other polymer materials. It has the design and construction of building energy-saving insulation project (national second-class qualification). The company has more than 80 employees, including more than 60% of engineering and technical personnel; the total assets are 120 million yuan. The company has passed ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification, ISO18001 occupational health and safety management system certification, China environmental labeling product certification and many other certifications. The company advocates a culture of integrity and attaches importance to brand building. It has successively won the “Provincial AAA Credit Enterprise”, “Contract-honoring and Credit-Reliable Enterprise”, “Shandong Famous Trademark”, “Advanced Unit of Safety Production Management” and “Advanced Unit for Skilled Personnel Training”. ", "early workers pay for advanced enterprises", "China's green environmental protection products", "China's construction projects key recommended products" and other honorary titles.

In the past ten years, the company has been adhering to the development philosophy of “people-oriented, honesty and win-win”, and adheres to the entrepreneurial tenet of “innovation, efficiency, pragmatism and tolerance” and the corporate values ​​of “artisan spirit and industrial enterprise”. Always adhere to the "production, learning, research" combination, absorb and digest, independent innovation of the diversified development path, survive by quality, reputation and development.

"Standing a high point and taking on new responsibilities", Anxu Building Materials has opened up a broad mind to the world, gathering strength and starting to set sail. In good faith as the cornerstone, sincere cooperation with all walks of life, mutual benefit and win-win!